I just got this email, I have yet to read it myself, but I PROMISED Pam I would post it all, so we can read it together! Enjoy. Hope everyone is keeping our little Sister Missionary in your prayers, and WRITING her!
Hello Family,
this is so nerve wracking! I have 23 minutes and 35 seconds to write this email with a little red timer that counts down at the top of the screen!!! AH, don't worry it won't be like this in the field! Man, so SO much has happened here in the past 6 days! I feel like i have been here for 6 months, seriously. I hear that in the mtc days pass like weeks and weeks pass like days! Its so so true!
SO... I have seen so many people i know here: Cara Shumway from ea, Bryna's little bro elder haymore, elder beus (bro beus's son! from ea) he was in my efy group, LAYNE, a girl that was michelles friend at byu- jacyln or sis hardcastle is my roommate, neighbors, people in my ward, people from ea, you name it! I love it here. I feel like I am at home! Living on 9th east, having Y mountain as my backdrop and hearing the roar from the stadium last saturday at the last home football game!
That being said missionaries live in a bubble... and I LIKE IT ALOT> we don't know anything that is going on! It's kind of nice! Except, I long to know what is going on in everyones lives, yesterday I got 8 letters. the elders in our district (they are the ones that pick up mail) said i was a brat for ever complaining about not getting mail! But i love to hear about day to day things... good job mom, dad and brittany! I feel like i am sitting right next to you when i read your letters! I love it! I read some parts out loud, like moms email to britt about her paper or dad and the manure and grass seed saga.. you know flies... scare the relatives away not smell SO good story! i loved it! will the grass be ready for thanks giving? MOm i love the work update! how is everyone? Is rebecca feeling better? Anna's wedding plans?
I am finally adjusting to having a companion EVERYWHERE I GO! at first i was so annoyed... but it wasn't her fault she had to come to me to the bathroom every HOUR since i drink so much water! haha also i am a freak about my nametag like i was about my cell phone: case in point i always forget it and am searching for it. i sometimes sleep with it on! I will be wierd when i get home. Prepare me a companion and a nametag! ps: i know this isn't relevant but i sleep with my thatcher bunny every night! haha all the girls make fun of me. I just don't care!!! haha i like it.
what is grandma's email? look up top. did i send it to the right address? let me know. if not please forward this to her and anyone else and then send me an email with their addresses. britt,., is yours right? i can only check this once a week for 30 minutes so while at the mtc I will only be writing one email! AH 11 minutes to go. haha this is insane. i hate timers!
Speaking of timers my stupid fossil watch isn't working again. I wore it upside down after gym yesterday and then dropped it in the shower in an effort to take it off and now the second hand only moves for a few seconds then stops. DUMB and i have to have a watch bc they don't believe in clocks here at the mtc. they don't want you to know you are spending 14 hours of your day in a desk in a classroom with the same four walls and only 1 window! haha it's true. 14 hours. but i am learning SOOO much. I love it here!
Mail is so great here! i love to get a piece everyday! i save it to read at night! encourage everyone to right me! I love love lvoe getting mail!!! Britt get on my roommates and friends! i need them!
mom will you send me the rest of my shirts either here or to WI? I need some more color in my life... but i am a dang cute missionary~ everyone always tells me that! haha we did good shopping.
I printed pics that I will send you soon... with my watch. they are still being printed. please send that watch back asap. without it or a CELL PHONE (which i still crave!!! and look for sometimes!) i don't know the time AT ALL!!!!
britt please forward me all my emails from my hotmail acct! thanks and you can post part of this email on facebook if you'd like! and on my blog of course!!!
Can you send me my ipod and little dock? I am dying without music! i need all the efy music so it has a beat!!!
my days are long here but my stamina is getting better! i crave studying now!!!
Can you send my pearls to me??
mom we got sack lunches today on pday so we didn't have to get dresses to go into the cafeteria and we had ding dongs ... i thought of you!!
if this doesn't make sense it's bc i have no time!! i love you guys!! WRITE ME. one minute!!! ah. bye!
this is so nerve wracking! I have 23 minutes and 35 seconds to write this email with a little red timer that counts down at the top of the screen!!! AH, don't worry it won't be like this in the field! Man, so SO much has happened here in the past 6 days! I feel like i have been here for 6 months, seriously. I hear that in the mtc days pass like weeks and weeks pass like days! Its so so true!
SO... I have seen so many people i know here: Cara Shumway from ea, Bryna's little bro elder haymore, elder beus (bro beus's son! from ea) he was in my efy group, LAYNE, a girl that was michelles friend at byu- jacyln or sis hardcastle is my roommate, neighbors, people in my ward, people from ea, you name it! I love it here. I feel like I am at home! Living on 9th east, having Y mountain as my backdrop and hearing the roar from the stadium last saturday at the last home football game!
That being said missionaries live in a bubble... and I LIKE IT ALOT> we don't know anything that is going on! It's kind of nice! Except, I long to know what is going on in everyones lives, yesterday I got 8 letters. the elders in our district (they are the ones that pick up mail) said i was a brat for ever complaining about not getting mail! But i love to hear about day to day things... good job mom, dad and brittany! I feel like i am sitting right next to you when i read your letters! I love it! I read some parts out loud, like moms email to britt about her paper or dad and the manure and grass seed saga.. you know flies... scare the relatives away not smell SO good story! i loved it! will the grass be ready for thanks giving? MOm i love the work update! how is everyone? Is rebecca feeling better? Anna's wedding plans?
I am finally adjusting to having a companion EVERYWHERE I GO! at first i was so annoyed... but it wasn't her fault she had to come to me to the bathroom every HOUR since i drink so much water! haha also i am a freak about my nametag like i was about my cell phone: case in point i always forget it and am searching for it. i sometimes sleep with it on! I will be wierd when i get home. Prepare me a companion and a nametag! ps: i know this isn't relevant but i sleep with my thatcher bunny every night! haha all the girls make fun of me. I just don't care!!! haha i like it.
what is grandma's email? look up top. did i send it to the right address? let me know. if not please forward this to her and anyone else and then send me an email with their addresses. britt,., is yours right? i can only check this once a week for 30 minutes so while at the mtc I will only be writing one email! AH 11 minutes to go. haha this is insane. i hate timers!
Speaking of timers my stupid fossil watch isn't working again. I wore it upside down after gym yesterday and then dropped it in the shower in an effort to take it off and now the second hand only moves for a few seconds then stops. DUMB and i have to have a watch bc they don't believe in clocks here at the mtc. they don't want you to know you are spending 14 hours of your day in a desk in a classroom with the same four walls and only 1 window! haha it's true. 14 hours. but i am learning SOOO much. I love it here!
Mail is so great here! i love to get a piece everyday! i save it to read at night! encourage everyone to right me! I love love lvoe getting mail!!! Britt get on my roommates and friends! i need them!
mom will you send me the rest of my shirts either here or to WI? I need some more color in my life... but i am a dang cute missionary~ everyone always tells me that! haha we did good shopping.
I printed pics that I will send you soon... with my watch. they are still being printed. please send that watch back asap. without it or a CELL PHONE (which i still crave!!! and look for sometimes!) i don't know the time AT ALL!!!!
britt please forward me all my emails from my hotmail acct! thanks and you can post part of this email on facebook if you'd like! and on my blog of course!!!
Can you send me my ipod and little dock? I am dying without music! i need all the efy music so it has a beat!!!
my days are long here but my stamina is getting better! i crave studying now!!!
Can you send my pearls to me??
mom we got sack lunches today on pday so we didn't have to get dresses to go into the cafeteria and we had ding dongs ... i thought of you!!
if this doesn't make sense it's bc i have no time!! i love you guys!! WRITE ME. one minute!!! ah. bye!
Can I send a package to the address posted or is there a different one for packages?
Brit...just wanted to say that you are doing a great job so far! The posts, the pics., the letters...love it all! You better keep in touch with us too!
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