I love these girls! Sometimes hard things happen in our lives, but that is when we have to stick together the most and help eachother through the hard stuff. Chani was 5 months pregnant with twins and we were all very excited for her! she was due in December. But, in August she lost them. Chani and Jory and their families held a funeral for the twin girls at the cemetary in Thatcher. It was probably one of the hardest things I have seen a girl my same age go through. BUT Chani is a ROCK! She said I know I'll see my little girls again and get to raise them and they just must have been too good for this wicked world! Her and Jory are so strong and I am grateful to share their same beliefs to know that there is life after death and that FAMILIES ARE FOREVER! It was so touching to see how changed she was. Chani is a mommy now, she just is at a different stage than us now! I LOVE HER! I know things will be hard for her for a while, but I know she'll get through it. I am happy that all of us girls were able to pull together and support her. We were like a well oiled machine: Moriah made the call and we were all there. Thanks Moriah for keeping us all informed.

You can tell moriah, terra and I had a rough day!

These last pictures are from when we(OK NOT ME), when THEY, wrote their names in the new concrete that the goodman's just had poured. THe worker guy told them he'd let them know when they could do it, and he did. I was against it bc I knew someone would get mad. SO i went to my night class: sign language. When I came home i found they all wrote their initials as to not be easily identified as the culprit. However, moriah lovingly wrote "MO + PAM= BFF" HA I was the only one that had my whole name on there and I DIDN'T EVEN DO IT!!! so funny. good thing the goodman's loved me! Other names in the sidewalk: Terra Farr, Megan Mattice, Katie Bean, Bryna Haymore, Sarah Garcia, Kelsey Reader, Bret Smith.
Good times Good times! We did that in Dec of 2006. The rumor was that they were going to resurface it... but it's still there!
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