Sunday, May 25, 2008

Paint War

Our neighbors Ashley and Jenni started this little game last year. The game is called Capture the Flag, but there is a spin: instead of to pull to send the opposing teammate to jail, you throw water balloons full of dilluted paint at them.

SO many people participated. It was crazy! We drove down to the canyon and played on a hillside. It was a great time, however it was quite painful at times!! I had the biggest welt on my leg. It didn't completely go away for 3 weeks! OuCh!!!

Jenni and I

The whole crew! there were so many of us!!!

Ash and I
Filling the balloons was the hardest part... it took forever, but we made it fun by testing the balloons out on eachother! :) Someone had to fill the balloons with water, someone used a syringe and put paint in the and the other tied them.

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