I can't believe this is my first Christmas at home since 2007! When I say it that way it seems like FOREVER since I have celebrated Christmas at home... that's because it HAS been forever!
It was really wierd to have Christmas without Rocky this year. I know my family did it without me but this was the first time I have had Christmas at home without a family member. It was strange, but such a blessing to know where he's at and what good work he's doing. Sometimes I would think about him and think of what fond memories I have of being a servant of the Lord at Christmas time. It is a special feeling, nothing quite like it. Whenever we sang Christmas hymns/ carols in church or in my classes I would think of caroling every single night last December as missionaries. We wanted so badly to shared good tidings of great joy! We became pros, and I LOVED it. [thank goodness others in our company could sing!] President Barrett would always say something to the effect of, "The weather is cold, but the the gospel warms our hearts and those of whom we share it with". I miss that place a lot sometimes, but it was good to be home with my family!
It was nice to be off of school and have a break for two weeks. I didn't even THINK about school during the break. I did a lot of shopping and hanging out with my family. I got to spend time with each person. I really like that. It's so fun to be with Grandma and Grandpa and the whole family together. We don't get to do that very often any more.
Christmas Eve we went next door and did our usual Christmas celebration at the grandparents. It was REALLY fun. Especially since Brittany edited the video from thanksgiving and gave us a debut showing. I was truly hilarious. So much so that uncle jeff asked to watch it again. I'll have to get the link to it, I am pretty sure she put it on you-tube.
Christmas morning we woke up and the jolly old fat man from the north pole came thru again! Chloe and Sophie were SO excited. It's the first time I have been around them when they really get what Christmas is all about. so fun.
Talking to Rocky was wonderful and by far was the highlight of the day. We talked to him for about 2.5 hours. He sounds great, the consensus is... he sounds much older and mature. I agree. I love that boy. We laughed and I cried, I don't think he did... it's been over two years since I have seen him now. I can't believe it. I miss him. He's a great missionary, it's obvious in his stories. He even TALKS like a missionary- cute.
My mom and I made a trip to Thatcher New Years Day to see Regina and the kids. I also got to see Kamala & Chad... but we didn't take a picture :( I am not sure why. .. I think I was too distracted with the little guy. Their baby boy, Gunnar, is SO dang adorable. It was fun to see them and Regina's crew and the great place of EAC... those were the good 'ol days. Nothing but tether ball tournaments to worry about while I was there! :)
It was fun to see everyone. Amanda Monk, well Phillippi was home for Christmas too on their way to Texas for Brian to start school this semester. They are some of my favorite people, hilarious and their baby is cute too... see the trend? The year 2010 was BABY year. Everyone I know that is married, now has a baby!
AND i must say... you can’t beat a desert Christmas! It was wonderful to be outside so much, I think I got a little color too.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
*** Here are some pictures of the highlights! ***
We had breakfast with grandma at the Deer Valley Airport on New Year*s Day Morning. It*s a tradition. They always throw coins on the floor for the kids to pick up... it was really fun, we barely missed the Air Show.
Chloe got Sophie a Justin Beiber shirt for Christmas. Brittany helped her search and search to find just the right one, she was an instant diva upon putting it on. SO CUTE.. Good Job Chloe!
Playing Ladder Ball at Grandma*s on Sunday
Christmas Eve PJ*s!!
Christmas Eve at Grandma & Grandpas... the whole crew, minus Rocky, plus T*s bf.
Grandmas tree... a cactus! I love it.
Annual trip to see the temple lights with my moms side of the family... DQ outside after, I LOVE the desert. I LOVE my cousins.
The temple is so pretty... especially with lights and nativity all around it.
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