Cami is leaving. School is out and she is doing a spring term in England. I am staying in Provo until late May to finish off my job at The Boys and Girls Club. I am going to miss her SO much. Things worked out so perfectly this year. I had just gotten home from my mission in April and no longer knew a soul at BYU. They were all married, graduated, or moved away... or any combination of the three. Cam had gotten home from her mission two days prior to moving in to our house. I thought she was a crazy musician girl and she thought I was just a nice girl [no depth]... but Cami is now one of my BEST friends! [I got so lucky, well so did she... :]AND I am not sure how I am going to live in this room without her for another month! I shed more than one tear at our parting! At least I got to come home for Easter prior to her leaving. It's always better to be the first one to leave!
Bye, Cam. Have fun in Europe! Love You! <3
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