Monday, April 12, 2010

face to face...

Good monday morning! Today is my last pday in the mission... i have so much to say, but John says it so perfectly...
I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee: But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to thee... 3 John 1: 13-14
isn't that priceless? thanks for that reference warner.
here are some real quick highlights:
we had two baptisms yesterday. Cathey and Joey. One in the Rhinelander ward and one in the Antigo branch. It was AmAzing. Sister Cousin doesn't know how great that is. It was the talk of the members in the northwoods, they were shocked we had 2. We still have 5 investigators with a date. It was exactly what I envisioned for my last sunday in the mission... president pleshak, the stake president, said, "well what a way to go out!" i agree.
we found cathey 4 weeks ago while we were tracting. she is AmAzing. i have learned so much teaching her... Joey is 10 and is part of a part-member family. He is so wonderful... he is a bright kid. i spoke at his baptism... he always has GREAT answers!!! it's such THE LIFE to FIND TEACH and BAPTIZE. i love my calling.
we called president barrett this week to let him know we set a baptismal date with Jim... he said, "well sister black, it sounds like you're not slowing down. How's that for sprinting to the finish line?! You're doing great work up there!" Oh i love him.
sister johnson is coming here... that's sister Bjohnson. She is fairly new in the mission. she was trained by bryner, served with warner and little j [3 transfers. 3 different companions.] and now she's comin' to my sister COUSIN! she will love it here. hopefully they'll be here together a while. little j is training again, only in madison this time. President Barrett told sister bjohnson, "Put your running shoes on, the place you're going has 7 dates" I love to hear my area talked about like that! this is the best place ever!
The zone leaders yesterday said, "it doesn't seem like you're going home... you're still working so hard!" Yep... my thoughts exactly. I don't feel like I am going home either. We still have LOTS of teaching appts this week, just like every other week!
YET... i am SO excited to see all of you! I have BUTTERFLIES in my stomach!!!
i will give a better update of this past week and this coming week soon... probably this weekend. i just don't have the time or energy to today! we have so much to do. we're going to wausau to play with the elders today. :) my last pday here and we get to be with PEOPLE!!! [ our whole zone!] YAY!!
i love you ALL!
Thanks for everything you've done for me while I have been here serving in Wisconsin... it would have been a very different experience had i not had your support. I have learned and grown so much. I am so blessed to have such good examples at home! thanks for being AmAzing!!!
LoVe, Sister Pamella Jo Black
ps... grandma... FeeL betteR! you'll be in my PraYeRs!!!

4 comments: said...

Sister Black I am sure the Lord is saying...Well done thou good and faithful servant.. It has been a joy to read of your weeks on the mission.. Your enthusiasm is so awesome and you have blessed so many lives.. We are so pleased to call you friend and to see the growth that you have made... enjoy your family when you get home ...your life will never be the same with these wonderful memories and experiences that are embedded in your heart.

Tweeter Games said...

This is great, my favorite verse is Psalms 50:14

Your friend Tweeter Games

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