Saturday, January 23, 2010


Ok family, sorry that it is SATURDAY and I am just sending my weekly email! The library was closed on Monday for MLK Jr. Day. That is a big holiday out here, especially in Milwaukee/ Racine.

Well my life is one big irony. I was transferred. To Rhinelander. Middle of nowhere. That is the ONE place I did NOT want to go! More on that to come…

The mutual theme this year is BE STRONG AND OF A GOOD COURAGE {Joshua 1:9}

President Barrett Spoke about that at youth conference [more on that below] and told the you [I still add myself in that category] that they are the HOPE OF THE WORLD. They are of Infinite Worth because they were bought with an Infinite Price. Isn’t that Amazing. I love President Barrett! That is my purpose out here… to teach that: each of God’s children is priceless and special to Him. I am to be STRONG and of a GOOD COURAGE. Every week in district meetings and in zone conferences we recite our purpose as missionaries as found in PMG. We recited it with the Youth… it goes:

“My purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through Faith in Jesus Christ and in His Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the End.”

I love my purpose!

Here are the happenings of last week:

Monday, January 11th

We studied, emailed and then met the elders at Brother Jenkins’ home to watch a movie. We watched “Mountain of the Lord” in his AmAzing in home theater in his basement. Sister Johnson and I get a leather couch all to ourselves because we have cooties, so we curled up with our blankets and it was the best hour and a half of my day! We then went and had dinner at Raygan’s. She made spaghetti for us and all the elders. Elder McClung and Elder Carter came down to interview Zachary for baptism… he passed! He was SO nervous! We told him we’d pray for him Sunday night, we did and he said he’d pray too. To end our night we went sledding with the Hansen’s. Elder Stribling and Elder Zobell came too. It was a lot of fun. I love that family. I love their granddaughter Kalie. She is adorable. I went down the hill with her quite a few times, the problem with that is I had to carry her back up… that hill was steep [mind you it was a man-made hill… Wisconsin is FLAT] she’s two… it was a good workout. We knew it was time to go home when elder stribling took Brother Hansen out about half way down the hill. He hit his head so hard. Then his son Sean hit him in the head as he was lying there, then sister Johnson hit him, then Elder Zobell hit him. MY GOODNESS. I stood at the top of the hill and had to turn around. It looked AWFUL. Poor guy. The elders gave him a blessing at home and we drank some hot chocolate. He was ok, but he teased them relentlessly. They deserved it!

Tuesday, January 12th

My last district meeting in Racine!  I don’t like transfers. Elder Smith is such a great district leader. He committed us to memorize the first vision in Spanish. I was excited for the challenge. I am familiar with it in Spanish, but I read it when I teach it in spanish… in English I know it by heart… so it was a good push. It was nice to get back to basics… the important stuff. He’s good about helping us to do that. Afterwards, we went out to lunch with both districts. We taught Raygan and Zachary at one. He is so ready for his baptism. We visited Lilyan Barry. She made us eat dinner! She told us that at 4:45 and we had to be at a mtg at 5. Sister Johnson and I are both really slow eaters, but we were both done in 15 minutes. Ugh. It was a good dinner, just fast! We had a meeting with Bishop Crowther at 5. He is a great bishop and really loves his ward. He looked at both elder stribling and I and said, “We are probably losing both of you, right?” NO! I don’t even want to think about that. We stopped by and had cereal at the abbott’s and then went to the church for the branch’s mutual. We needed to talk to Sofia C. and Fernanda F. about teaching with us on Saturday at youth conference.

Wednesday, January 13th

We went to English class. I love teaching English. It greatly helps me improve my Spanish, but it also gives us AmAzing opportunities to share the gospel with those we teach. The gospel comes up so naturally, many of those at English class have come to church. It’s such a good tool. Afterwards, we went to the church for lunch and then to visit the martinez family and daysi betanco. I love daysi! She has come so far. She is such a great member of the church and has such a strong testimony. She taught us the Restoration out of PMG and said she learned a lot about apostasy and authority. Isn’t it amazing that when we have to teach something, you end up learning the most yourself? I think so too! That’s why we asked her to teach us! We taught Marka and Caleb at 3:30. Marka is so smart. She asks the best questions. We taught about the Word of Wisdom, Caleb had questions too. It’s so good to see a family learning together. She said that the WOW just makes sense! Ha. Yes it sure does. We had dinner with the Sura’s at 5, and then went to the Calderwood’s and planned out what we’d be helping Sofia and Fernanda teach on Saturday at youth conference. We ended our night going to contact a referral elder Campbell [bka SOPA] gave to us... might I add we went out of our way to do that. Well, it was the ELDERS APARTMENT. Elder zobell and Elder stribling answered the door! He got us! He got us good!!! We are still trying to think of how to get him back. . . It will be good!!!! Elder Trauntvein and Elder Smith did that to us once too! Grr… we counted both of those referrals in our numbers. Punks.

Thursday, January 14th

We studied, at lunch and did weekly planning. Then we Had an appointment with the Gambles. She is a sweet lady who does it all for her family. Her husband has had 3 strokes and can’t talk now, I can’t imagine how frustrating that must be. She does everything for him and then also watches her daughter’s two little girls as well. She hasn’t been active in years and wants to come back. She has a man come as a caretaker for her husband for a few hours on Sundays. This man just so happens to be married to a woman [sister Pamela umhoffer] who is also a member of the church and hasn’t been back in years. He suggested they go together while he stays with brother Gambles. I love little miracles like that!

We bought Zachary a journal at Barnes and Noble and then headed to the church. We finished weekly planning there and helped the elders set up for the baptism. Elder stribling made Zachary a hat [he is dang good with yarn and a loom!] and he also made me one! It’s pink and white and black. So cute. I love it.

The baptism went very well… there is nothing like seeing someone you love and have taught the truth to enter into the waters of baptism, be made clean, and make covenants with their Father in Heaven. My joy was full! It was especially special because we worked so closely with the elders to make this a success. We both played specific, vital roles in teaching. Mike, Zachary’s dad was there. He is taking the lessons from the elders. We are teaching Raygan. It was wonderful to see all of Zach’s family there and to see how much support we had from the ward. The room was packed full. No room to sit at all. AmAZing and it wasn’t even announced at church because he hadn’t had his interview yet. His family was invited to bear testimony after the baptism while Zachary and his uncle [Justin, who baptized him...] changed their clothes. Raygan bore her testimony as did her brother John and her mom [all of which have been seriously less active, they bore testimony that they know the church is true and that it is worth it to live the standards]…

Zachary has no idea what an influence for good he is to his family. Justin is a priest and still in HS. He has a learning disability and stutters really bad, but was worthy to baptize… so Zachary asked him. It was so special to see them in the water together. Justin was really nervous, but Bishop Crowther said the words to the prayer, and Justin repeated after him and then got Zachary all the way under. AMAZING! We took lots of pictures with everyone there and then I printed them and put them in the journal we bought Zachary. I had everyone write to him and he loved that. Bishop Blake worked with that family very closely. He was out here for business, so we scheduled the baptism so he could attend. It was fun to see him. We went out to Culvers with him afterwards. He invited all the youth he used to work with and all the missionaries. It was really a good day!!

To end the night we got a call from President Barrett… Sister Johnson will be TRAINING a brand-new missionary. She is a NATIVE SPANISH SPEAKER. Do you know what that means? I am LEAVING racine…. So the drama begins. I have to say goodbye. I hate that.

Friday, January 15th

We woke up… studied and PACKED. We went to Milwaukee for a night. I had a dentist appointment today with President Knutsen. WHAT A NICE MAN. Elder Smith calls him the “jolly fat man”. Whatever, he is I like him. He had to give me 10 shots in my mouth. Did I mention I HATE going to the dentist? I had a fractured tooth on one side and on the other side I had a hole in my tooth and a cavity. SO both of my back, bottom molars were worked on. Let’s just say the numbing didn’t work all the way, but I just dealt with it after shot 10 because my face was numb all the way to my forehead! I didn’t want to be numb for a year… I hate that feeling. He fixed my teeth though. He has this cool new machine that takes a digital impression of my tooth, then he uses a computer screen, that is on wheels to adjust the picture, he then sends the info to a machine that takes a tiny block of porcelain and makes a tooth. Then he cemented it on! Amazing. So I have to new teeth in the back. I am not sure how 15 months ago my teeth were perfect and within that time my teeth have just fallen out? Don’t ask me! Stress… probably. That little event at the dentist took me 4 hours! He is such a good man, didn’t even charge me. Missionaries are SO blessed. What a service.

We then went and ran some errands in Milwaukee… went to Wal-Mart, went to the mission office and got a chocolate shake from McDonald’s, which makes any dental visit better! We had dinner with the Milwaukee sisters at Katie Basset’s. She is a YSA in her residency as a dermatologist. We had a lot of fun. I love Katie. We ended our night with a sleepover at the Kozlosky’s! I love the K’s! They are the best… like my 2nd family.

Saturday January 16th

Saturday morning we woke up, then we went to visit the Scarbouroughs! It was fun to see them and meet their children, I had never done that. They are adjusting to Wisconsin! We took a picture outside for proof of all the snow we’ve endured out here! Brother Kozlosky teased us for being late to that appt and told me I had to let the car warm up, WHY? We don’t do that in PHX. Apparently, I am ruining the car, so I will let it warm up now. AND he said my tires and rims are too beat up! HA just like my dad! I told him to back off! Haha We went to the library and made copies of some cd’s and then had lunch at NOODLES. O how I love that place. The mac and cheese with parmesan chicken is the BEST!

THEN we went to The Milwuakee South stake Youth Conference. The theme was Member Missionary work. They all had missionary tegs too! The north stake was invited too! It was a lot of fun. Most of the missionaries from our zone were there. We, all the missionaries, were paired up with youth companionships and given a topic to teach in 3 thirty minute intervals. What fun it was to teach the youth how to teach. It was totally their thing… we just assisted. Ryan Mortimer and Brittany Kozlosky were on the planning committee. They did I great job, I love those two. We were paired up to teach with 2 girls from the branch, sofia and fernanda. They did such a great job. Our topic was “Ch 7 PMG Learn your Mission Language”. Sister Johnson and I got to share our experiences of learning Spanish. I shared my study plan and little tools I used to help me learn [like carrying around a ntbk that I wrote all the words I didn’t understand in, then I would look them up later] It was fun. The girls did such a great job teaching! I love teaching HOW to teach! I have been learning to be a good teacher for 15 months now! We listened to President Barrett speak after classes, then had dinner.

At dinner I sat next to sister Duhaceck. Big mistake. I love her, but she works in the mission office and she told me I was going to Rhinelander. I wasn’t supposed to find that out ‘til Tuesday night. I thought I was going to throw up. I just left the table and I went to the bathroom to cry, but all these 15-16 yr old girls were in there getting ready for the dance.. it felt like efy! So I couldn’t cry. Sister Johnson knew I was struggling. SO we went home to get our stuff at the K’s to go back to Racine. I just layed on the floor and thought, “How could President Barrett send me to Rhinelander, I am NOT a Rhinelander kind of girl!” I was having a major pity party. We are all entitled to one of those every now and then! So we packed our stuff… I may or may not have cried… and then drove to Racine. I was dang well convinced I was going to Appleton or Madison… nope. I was jealous little j got to stay in racine. I had a badittude! AND I was so anxious.

So I called elder stribling and asked him to give me a blessing of comfort. He did. He is amazing. I love him like a brother. That is only the second time on my mission [or my life for that matter] that I have ever ASKED for a blessing. But I needed to calm down. He blessed me to trust in my priesthood leaders and to know that the Lord needed me in Rhinelander for a purpose I would find out as I labored there. He blessed me to feel peace and to relax. It was a long, beautiful blessing. I felt so good afterward and felt like I could breathe again. So I left and went home and slept SO WELL that night. I love the Priesthood!

Sunday, January 17th

I was dreading today since Thursday night. I had to go to church and say goodbye! I feel like a member of both the branch and the ward!

I thought I was in the clear with our 8:30A sacrament meeting. The murdock’s spoke in sacrament meeting. I love that family! Even their 7 year old spoke! She did such a great job. It was adorable, she used such big words. The elders were in the pew in front of us. But at the end of sacrament Brother Hancock got up and said he wanted to “give a shout- out” to elder stribling and sister black for all our hard work the past 7.5 months. He thanked us and said we helped them feel the spirit of missionary work. Elder Stribling and I were both doubled in in June. That was forever ago. It has been so great working with him and his companions. He’s trained 3 times in a row in Racine. He’s a great missionary. I said by to the ward and took some pictures after our meetings.

All the Spanish missionaries had a mtg with P. Calderwood before sacrament meeting started. He didn’t know we were leaving yet. I was talking about a LA girl we’ve worked with who is now ready to go to the temple. In Spanish I said, “Ella esta aprendiendo mucho.” She is learning a lot. He said, “Hay alguien mas quien esta aprendiendo mucho, tambien.” There is someone else who is learning a lot too. I thought he meant Daysi’s brother or something. He said, “No you! Your Spanish is greatly improving. Especially your conjugations!” He almost made me cry. I have to leave my Spanish peeps! I have been working so hard on my language skills! I will still keep them up. In this same meeting a week previous President Calderwood was talking about how he was needing to marry off all the single priesthood holders in the branch. I of course protested that! We are not matchmakers! He gave me this shpeel about the celestial kingdom and eternal marriage.. yadda yadda. I was Especially riled up when he threw out an idea he had of getting two recent converts together. HE is 42 SHE is 20. NO WAY! Haha all the elders were dying laughing. So then President Calderwood turned to me and said, “Sister Black, what are you doing after YOUR mission?” HAHA I laughed … then said OK it’s TIME for US to GO! IT was hilarious. But awkward. When the branch is trying to find you a husband, perhaps it’s time for a transfer?

In the branch sacrament meeting P. Calderwood mouthed to me from the stand and asked if I was being transferred. I responded… SO, after the passing of the sacrament he announced that he had sad news. He told them that E. Campbell and I would be leaving and asked us to come up and bear our testimonies. I felt so overwhelmed with the spirit. I was able to do that without help! I told them that I remember my first Sunday in the branch. P. Barrett asked sister behrends and I to stand and told the branch that he loved them so much that he sent them sisters to help them in whatever way we could. I specifically recall writing in my journal, “I love that President loves and trusts us… but HOW! I can’t communicate effectively with these people. Someday I will be able to talk freely to these people. I will tell them I love them and am so grateful to have been switched Spanish!” It happened! I did just that! So did Sopa… he did such a good job. I love that kid. He spent the first 6 months of his mission in the branch… what a good place to start! He speaks very well in Spanish now! Then as the closing song in sacrament meeting we sang, “God Be With You ‘Til We Meet Again”, Sofia’s choice and her dad came to the mic and dedicated it to us. MY GOODNESS…. IT WAS BRUTAL! [Rocky thought saying goodbye now was painful, wait ‘til he leaves an area!] I took pictures with practically the whole branch afterwards. I will miss Bro. Sandovall calling me, “Chiltepe” [a name of a really hot chili that he used to call a sister in his mission] or hearing all his CRAZY mission stories from Guatemala. I will miss hearing him call us the “Missionegras!”

We got a lot of comments like, “Sister Johnson, where are you going?” or “You’re FINALLY LEAVING?” haha People thought if I was leaving she was leaving too, or that it was impossible that elder stribling and I ever would leave! I have loved being the first sister in Racine/ Kenosha in 10 years. It was a great blessing to open this area, even greater to have been able to speak Spanish. I recall my first interview with President Barrett. I told him if he EVER had a need I would LOVE to speak Spanish. I never dreamed it would happen. I thought the closest I would ever come was when I was able to work a little with the Spanish branch in Green Bay. . . little did I know the Lord always has a plan, better than any plan I could have dreamt up myself!

I love LOVE being a sister missionary! I love all of you!


Elder Rocky Lee Black
Provo MTC
Box 145 Dept Dat Feb 9 2010
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604

Love, Hermana Pamella Jo Black

Ps… here are some little Wisconsin things that I just love:

*In Wisconsin we use YET whenever possible ex: “I am young yet” Sister warner has picked this up, painfully so!

*In Wisconsin chili, they put noodles. All chili in Wisconsin is made with noodles!

*Bag = beg and Tag = teg [I like using this one!]

*Wisconsinites say things like:
*Come here once
*I stay on Woods Rd [instead of I live on woods rd]
*I am going by Lauren’s house [instead of I am going TO Lauren’s house] One more example: Did Becky go by Ashley’s? Is she still there? I learned this from MAMA K! she says that a lot!

*a stop light is called a stop and go

*an atm is a TYME machine

*then last but not least the yooper, “YAH DER EH” “DON’T YA KNOW!”

I heart Wisconsin.

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